Meet THALLO CEO - Mrs. Baaba Okai

Mrs. Baaba Okai is the Chief Executive Officer of Thallo Business Network, a company she co-founded with her husband. 

She is a graduate of the University of Education, Winneba. She has a diploma in Theology from Zoesel Institute. 

She attended Efia Kobi Ampem Senior High School (Girls School). 

Mrs. Okai, popularly known as Maame Senya, is versatile with her hands in terms of skills with cooking and food and drink processing. It was as a result of her dexterity and experimentation with food and drinks, coupled with her husband's strong leadership, vision, and expertise in marketing and management, that the company, Thallo Business Network, was founded. 

The company focuses on the production of natural drinks, such as Thallo Atadwe-CoCoGinger, Thallo Sobolo, Thallo CoCoPine, etc.; Thallo Ice Cream and Thallo Pastries. 

Thallo products are health-centered to ensure customers can still enjoy the best without having to worry about sugar and chemicals that are harmful to the human body. 


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